
On Maplewood High School's Racial Segregation

Jenny D has a nice analysis of the New York Times' article on Maplewood:
. . . But here's what's missing: nowhere in the article does it ask how this came to be. In fact, the article assumes that the kids are grouped by "intelligence." It says this:

Educators say that leveling allows smarter students to be challenged while giving struggling ones the special instruction they need.

Smarter? I wouldn't go that far. How do we know that students were well-taught before they got to high school? How do we know that teachers had high expectations for all students?

And on the SistersTalk blog, I wrote:
This leveling system is not a new concept. The school system I attended as a child in Georgia used a very similar system. Students were tested as early as 1st grade to determine the track the student would follow. Most white students were placed on the College Prep track, while most Black students were placed on the General or Technical track -- meaning they may or may not attend a Jr. College or a technical school. It was very obvious the school system was segregating the schools from the inside since segregated schools in the south, by law, could no longer exist.

Technorati Tag: politics ; education

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