
BbW New Additions and Search Engine Optimization

I wanted to take some time to introduce a few new additions to the BbW Directory:

Teatro de la Vida
Penile Code Avenger
Cult of Gracie
The Independent Thinker
A Kinky Woman's Guide to the Universe
Political Science
Vegan Momma
Gimikera is In
Because We Have Thumbs
Preemptive Karma
Magalie's World Tour 2005
A Life in Wales
Witch Abroad
Radical Goddess Thealogy
Dear Jane Band Blog
The Heiress Diaries
Wordlust Paperfetish
Watch for Cairns
taking a deeeeeeeeeep breath

I apologize to anyone I missed, but I randomly selected new users using no particular guidelines.

A sidenote:

I forgot to mention I am well schooled in SEO (search engine optimization) having much experience working with eBay sellers as a consultant who offered them advice about getting top placements in major search engines. I also owned a popular auction resources and message board that had 20+ first page placements in Google, Yahoo, MSN, and Overture until I sold the company in January.

If you do a search for keyword phrase auction forum on Google, you'll see the first site is That site is listed 1st of 10 million results. I owned that site and I did all the optimization.

Check for auction resources, and TheAuctionBoard is #6 on page 1 -- of 8 million results.

Check for keyword phrase online auction news and the site is #8 of 8 million results.

Now, check for keyword phrase auction discussion and see which site is first.

Check for keyword phrase auction news; TheAuctionBoard is #4 and the accompanying blog ( I used to operate for the site is #5. I optimized the blog also.

To this day that site still has those top placements as the new owner has made very few changes to the original backend layout even though the site's design has changed. I am working to secure top placements for BlogsbyWomen so our users can see plenty search engine traffic. It takes time, but we'll get there.

One More Thing: just because a blogger is popular and sits on the "A" list doesn't necessarily means she knows SEO. Ask her to show you the results of her SEO work before you pay her for any SEO consulting. Don't waste your money because there are a lot of SEO scams out there. ANYONE can get you top placements for a keyword phrase that returns only 200,000 results.

Technorati Tag: blogging; seo

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