Greg Hammond of California Hammonds is holding a commentathon in memory of his wife, Cheryl, who died of breast cancer one year ago tomorrow. Do you think it can be posted on Blogs by Women - with a link or something? All people have to do is comment once, sponsors have committed to donating money for a certain amount of comments with the goal being $10,000 being donated to getting low-income women the mammograms that they need. Greg has prizes that will be randomly given away, too (like an iPod Shuffle, an iPod mini, and several other things like iTunes gift certificates once an hour, up to ten. The site had the information).
Sure thing, Rae!
If you want to participate, you have to hurry. The Commentathon ends at midnight on April 1. I'll crosspost this at SistersTalk, too, to cover more ground.
Technorati Tag: breast cancer