
Call for Bloggers

Grace over at I Am Dr. Laura's Worst Nightmare is doing her part to help in the Hurricane Katrina effort. Right now she's looking for bloggers in the EST/CST/MST time zones to help maintain her Hurricane-Katrina-specific blogsite.

This is, of course, an unpaid gig. Of course! But this is a truly magical opportunity with the greatest of all benefits - the chance to help get immediate comfort and aid to our friends on the Gulf Coast. And blogging has made this happen.

If you're comfortable with Six Apart's TypePad, the most user friendly blog tool ever, or, if you're far more techno-geeky than me and can harness any software and, most importantly, you have the time (four hours a day at minimum would be best), then please contact me directly (do not leave a comment) at gracedb@yahoo.com.

What a great opportunity to get involved in the relief effort.

Technorati Tag: Katrina

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