
Get out and vote, California!

Don't forget to cast your ballot in the Governator's special election today.

Need more information on where your polling location is? Smart Voter has a function in which you can not only find your polling location, but you can also print out a copy of your city-specific ballot.

According to the SF Chronicle this morning, voter turnout was anticipated to be quite low, causing concern among non-Republicans. But now, 6.8 million people are expected to go to the polls today.
The Field Poll estimate calls for about 43 percent of the state's 15.8 million registered voters to cast ballots today, not far from the 42 percent turnout predicted by Secretary of State Bruce McPherson.

"This is not a bad turnout for an election without any names on the ballot,'' said Mark DiCamillo, director of the Field Poll.

That could be bad news for Schwarzenegger and his allies, who had hoped for a low-turnout election in which increased interest among Republicans could offset the Democratic number advantage among California voters.
Get out there and make your voice heard. Nix the first six.

Polls are open from 7 a.m. - 8 p.m.

Technorati Tag: politics

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